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Common Challenges in Singapore & Malaysia for SME’s and How No-Code Platform Can Help

14th December, 2023
Quixy No-Code Platform

Explore how No-Code platforms address common challenges faced by SMEs in Singapore and Malaysia. From limited IT resources and high development costs to rapid business changes, No-Code empowers businesses, reducing expenses and fostering efficiency. Embrace technology for sustained growth and success.

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Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of economies in Singapore and Malaysia, playing a vital role in job creation and economic growth. However, these enterprises often face numerous challenges that hinder their progress. According to Malaysia's digital literacy rate, only 15% of Malaysian enterprises have advanced ICT capabilities, with the population's lack of digital skills contributing to low technology adoption. In this article, we will explore some common hurdles experienced by SMEs in the region and discuss how leveraging a No-Code platform can serve as a game-changer in overcoming these obstacles.

  1. Limited IT Resources: SMEs often grapple with limited budgets and a shortage of dedicated IT personnel. This limitation poses a challenge when it comes to adopting and implementing sophisticated technology solutions.

How No-Code platforms Help: No-Code platforms empower SMEs to develop applications and software solutions without the need for extensive coding skills. This democratization of technology allows businesses to create custom applications tailored to their specific needs, enabling them to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

  1. High Development Costs: Traditional software development can be costly, especially for small businesses with tight budgets. The expense of hiring developers and investing in technology infrastructure can be a significant barrier for SMEs.

How No-Code platforms Help: No-Code platforms significantly reduce development costs by eliminating the need for a dedicated development team. With user-friendly drag-and-drop user interfaces and pre-built templates, businesses can create applications at a fraction of the cost, making technology adoption more accessible. This can be supported, where according to Forrester, no-code tools need 70% fewer resources to produce. In addition, Statista indicates that 29% of businesses found no code application development to be 40 to 60% faster than conventional methods.

  1. Rapid Changes in Business Environment: SMEs in Singapore and Malaysia operate in dynamic business environments with rapidly changing market demands. Adapting to these changes swiftly is crucial, but traditional development cycles can be time-consuming. This can be supported by Gartner who says that the need for development services will increase 5x faster than IT capacity to cover it.

How No-Code platforms Help: No-Code platforms facilitate agile development, allowing businesses to quickly iterate and adapt to changing requirements. With the ability to make real-time adjustments to applications, SMEs can stay ahead of the curve and respond promptly to market shifts.

  1. Collaboration: Bridge Communication Gaps Collaboration plays a pivotal role in facilitating efficient communication between business leaders and IT teams when it comes to app development. Typically, traditional app development experiences a level of disconnect between these two entities wherein the business team outlines directives which may or may not be met by IT teams.

How No-Code platforms Help: No-Code platforms are breaking down such barriers through promoting transparency and collaboration across different teams. Business analysts can now stay up-to-date with what the IT team is doing at all times due to real-time updates available within the platform. These no-code platforms enable even those without any coding experience to contribute significantly towards product development efforts alongside engineers, ensuring project goals align with original expectations.


In the competitive landscapes of Singapore and Malaysia, SMEs must embrace technology to thrive. No-Code platforms offer a viable solution to the challenges faced by these businesses, providing a cost-effective, agile, and accessible means of developing tailored applications. By harnessing the power of No-Code, SMEs can not only overcome their hurdles but also position themselves for sustained growth and success in the dynamic business environments of Singapore and Malaysia. Moreover, many no-code platforms offer integration with various third-party tools and systems, allowing SMEs to streamline operations and create cohesive workflows without extensive coding. Gartner forecasts that 70% of new enterprise applications will be developed using low-code/no-code technologies by 2025.

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